Language learning blog

5 minute read


Danish learning

Table of contents


  1. First week
    1. Monday
    2. Tuesday
  2. Second week
  3. Third week
  4. Fourth week
  5. Fifth week
  6. Sixth week
  7. Seventh week
  8. Eigth week
  9. Nineth week
  10. Tenth week
  11. Eleventh week
  12. [TEST]

Introduction to this blog

Dear reader, here is a tool for myself to learn danish through the creation of daily blog posts. I will try to sum up and use a way to have at the same place the thing that I do to increase my danish abilities.

First week

Monday 15-04-2024

To this day I attented 2 classes of danish but I was bored…so I wanted to take actions by myself : self-study. To do so I have several tools :

- YouTube in Danish
- StoryTel to listen to Danish while reading a book
- DRTV to watch Danish TV shows or films
- Cinemateket to watch Danish films in a theater
- Biblioteket to rent Danish books
- Language learning channels (several of them)
- Writing in Danish
- Lute3 to read and understand text
- My Danish Textbook from UCPlus

I will try to explain each tool more precisely during this first week as I use it.

A few questions might be : where to start? Should I immerse myself without meaning and it will come afterwards? How can I make it as fun as possible ? etc… To start I informed myself through Steve Kaufmann channel and his video : How to Get Started Learning a Language. He starts with 2 proverbs : get started at some point and it’s better if you do it well so you’ll make the best steps. For him the mini-stories (and he does ad to his app) are the best to start with a little overview (without wanting to remember it) of the grammar (thanks to AI for example :

Certainly! Here's an overview of the Danish grammar as spoken in Copenhagen:

1. Definite and Indefinite Articles:
- Danish uses definite ("en", "et", "den", "det") and indefinite articles ("en", "et", "en", "et"). For example, "en bil" (a car) and "bilen" (the car).

2. Grammatical Gender:
- Unlike French and Italian, Danish doesn't have grammatical gender for nouns. This means there's no distinction between masculine and feminine words.

3. Plural:
- In Danish, the plural is usually formed by adding "-er" to the end of the word. For example, "en bil" (a car) becomes "biler" (cars).

4. Verbs:
- Danish verbs are conjugated based on subject and tense. Present, past, and future are the main verb tenses. For example, "jeg taler" (I speak), "du talte" (you spoke), "han vil tale" (he will speak).

5. Personal Pronouns:
- Subject personal pronouns in Danish are "jeg" (I), "du" (you), "han/hun/den" (he/she/it), "vi" (we), "I" (you plural), "de" (they).

6. Word Order:
- Word order in Danish is generally Subject-Verb-Object (SVO), similar to English. However, it can be flexible in some situations, especially in spoken language.

7. Negation:
- To negate a sentence in Danish, "ikke" (not) is often used. For example, "Jeg taler ikke dansk" (I don't speak Danish).

8. Questions:
- Questions in Danish can be formed by inverting the subject-verb order or simply by adding a question mark at the end of the sentence. For example, "Taler du dansk?" (Do you speak Danish?).

9. Adjectives:
- Adjectives in Danish agree in gender and number with the noun they qualify. For example, "en stor bil" (a big car), "et stort hus" (a big house).

10. Adverbs:
    - Adverbs in Danish are usually formed by adding "-t" to the end of the adjective. For example, "hurtigt" (quickly) from "hurtig" (quick).

This is just a brief overview of Danish grammar as spoken in Copenhagen, but it should give you a good foundation to start learning the language. Good luck!

Here is the answer generated by ChatGPT for danish. Steve Kaufmann insists on the fact that repetition is key for the mini-stories and the basis will come after repetition. We should absorb the language, get into it. As another french learner said on YouTube: learn like a baby through immersion.

To start doing that, I will search those kind of mini-stories in Danish. I tried without success to access to the online version of the book given by UCPlus…I will give it another go tomorrow.

Tuesday 16-04-2024

Tuesday means classes of danish after work online now and once a week for 11 weeks until the module 1 test. I know now how to present myself Hej, Jeg hedder Adrien. Hvad hedder du ? and say what languages I speak : Jeg taler fransk, engelsk, italiensk og lidt dansk. Hvad sprog taler du ?. And we learn a bit the alphabet with the different vowels. Introduction to different pronons : Jeg, Du, Han, Hun, Vi, I, De. Mit nationalitet er franskmand We did the introduction to the class and learn how to say where I live, the numbers etc…

For next week I should do : Write about myself in danish Practice the numbers practice the alphabet read and listen again to the dialogs read and listen to the next dialogs 1,2,3,4 p13