
Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Sport 🏉
  3. Caritative work 💙
    1. Trek’Yz project
  4. Music 🎧


Welcome to the “Personal” section of my academic realm! Here, the textbooks take a brief hiatus, making way for a more personal dialogue. Think of it as a backstage pass, offering a sneak peek into the mosaic of my life beyond academia. From sports escapades to charitable endeavors and the rhythmic cadence of music, join me in this informal exploration. Let’s break away from the academic jargon and dive into the stories, adventures, and quirks that make up the person behind the scholarly pursuits. Welcome to the more relaxed side of my digital space!

Sport 🏉

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Dear Website Visitors,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. Today, I’m excited to share a glimpse into the active and adventurous side of my life, a realm that has played a significant role in shaping my identity.

From the early age of 6 until I turned 18, rugby was more than just a sport for me – it was a way of life. The camaraderie, the physicality, and the sheer thrill of the game were constants in my formative years. Beyond the rugby pitch, my love for outdoor sports knows no bounds. Whether it’s the rhythmic pounding of my feet against the pavement while running, the adrenaline-fueled excitement of trail running, the serenity of trekking, or the speed and freedom experienced while riding a VTT or road bike – each activity holds a special place in my heart.

During my high school years, I immersed myself in the sports section, actively participating in volleyball, swimming, and VTT. While these were the mainstays, the sports section also introduced me to a plethora of exciting activities that ranged far and wide. These experiences not only fueled my passion for sports but also fostered a sense of exploration and discovery.

In my undergraduate years, I had the privilege of serving as the president of the sports association for the CPES bachelor’s degree program. This role allowed me to further contribute to the vibrant sports community within the academic sphere, promoting the values of teamwork, discipline, and the joy of physical activity even though it was during Covid times.

I extend an invitation to you to join me in exploring the world of sports, whether through shared interests or by discovering something new together. Feel free to delve into this section of my website to gain a deeper understanding of the various facets of my sporting journey.

If you’re inclined, I’d love to hear about your own sporting adventures. Perhaps you could share your favorite activities, memorable moments, or even your go-to outdoor spots.

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit more about this aspect of my life. I look forward to the opportunity to connect with you through our shared enthusiasm for sports.



Caritative work 💙

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Trek’Yz - A Charitable Journey for A Chacun son Everest !

Trek’Yz - A Charitable Journey Fueled by Passion

About Trek’Yz

Trek’Yz Instagram Page


Trek’Yz is a charitable project that I co-founded alongside my twin, Rémi Berard, and one of my best friends, Tom Lengellé. Born from our shared passion for sports, a deep connection to Auvergne, and the commitment to making a positive impact, Trek’Yz represents a unique fusion of physical endurance and philanthropy.

The Extended Challenge

Our project took on a new dimension as we set out to cover a remarkable 100 kilometers in just two days. Every kilometer we traversed contributed €10, while each summit conquered added €100 to our fundraising efforts. Against the stunning backdrop of Auvergne, our beloved natal region, this extended challenge aimed to push our physical limits while raising crucial funds for the association “A Chacun son Everest !”.

The Epic Journey

Embarking on this odyssey, we journeyed through the heart of Auvergne, embracing the diverse landscapes that define our region. Whether under the radiant sun or the quiet moon, our team moved with purpose and determination. The extended duration of this challenge allowed us to delve even deeper into the beauty of our surroundings, fostering a profound connection to the cause we were championing.

Purposeful Strides

Every step of the 100 kilometers symbolized our commitment to making a difference. The funds we raised were directed towards the invaluable work of “A Chacun son Everest !,” supporting children and women affected by cancer. The challenge became more than a physical feat; it became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the collective power of a community working towards a meaningful cause.

Get Involved

If you are inspired by our odyssey and wish to contribute or stay updated on our adventures, follow our Instagram page.

Join us in celebrating the indomitable spirit of Trek’Yz - where each kilometer is a testament to our shared commitment to making a positive impact.

Thank you for your interest and support.

Best regards,


Co-founder, Trek’Yz

Trek’Yz - Connect with Us!

About Trek’Yz

Trek’Yz Instagram Page

Meet the Team

In the Media


Trek'Yz Team


Trek’Yz is more than just a charitable project; it’s a journey we’ve undertaken to make a positive impact. Follow our adventures on Instagram and connect with the team members:

In the News

Explore our feature in the local journal, La Montagne, and read about our mission on A Chacun son Everest’s official page.

The Journey Concludes

With gratitude and a sense of accomplishment, we announce the conclusion of our fundraising project. The support we received has exceeded our expectations, and the funds raised will make a significant impact on the lives of those touched by cancer.

If you’ve been part of this journey, thank you for your generosity and encouragement. While this specific chapter may be closing, our commitment to making a positive impact continues. Stay connected with Trek’Yz for future endeavors and opportunities to join us in making a difference.

Thank you for being part of the Trek’Yz community.

Best regards,

Adrien Co-founder, Trek’Yz

Music 🎧

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I wanted to take a moment to share a bit more about myself in the personal section of my academic website. Beyond my academic pursuits, I have a deep passion for music that has been a constant companion throughout my life.

From the powerful beats of rock music to the distinctive sounds of Britpop, the improvisational nature of jazz, and the unique charm of indie tunes, I find inspiration in a diverse range of musical genres. My musical journey began during middle and high school when I had the incredible opportunity to play the French horn. Those years were filled with enriching experiences, and the French horn became an integral part of my identity. I particularly like the concerto for French Horn by Mozart or, a bit more unknown, Julius Watkins music : a black-american French Horn Jazzman.

Recently, I’ve embarked on a new chapter by picking up the guitar. The process of learning and creating music has been both challenging and immensely rewarding. As I explore this new avenue, I’ve also found a growing interest in playing bass. The rhythmic foundation and melodic possibilities of the bass guitar have captured my fascination, and I am excited about the prospect of delving deeper into this aspect of musical expression.

Music, for me, is not just a hobby; it’s a source of joy, self-discovery, and connection. I believe that the intersection of academic pursuits and personal passions contributes to a more holistic understanding of oneself.

I invite you to join me on this musical journey, whether through shared interests or by discovering something new together. Feel free to explore this section of my website to learn more about the multifaceted aspects of who I am.

If you are inclined, I would be delighted if you could share your Spotify Wrapped or your account details, enabling us to collectively enjoy the enriching world of music.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a bit better. I look forward to connecting with you through the universal language of music.

(written with the help of ChatGPT 😏)

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